Our Guide Book

Our Guide Book

Copies of this 28-page guide may be purchased from the Information Desk or in the Stable Gift Shop on Open Days.

The current third edition of the guide to the mill is illustrated with 16 photographs, many of them in colour, together with seven black and white line diagrams.

Starting with a short foreword, it continues with a brief history of the mill, it's restoration and the outside buildings. This is followed by details related to the water supply, including the problems in maintaining the supply, and the waterwheel.

A description of the inside of the mill describes the various items of milling machinery that can be found on each floor of the mill. Diagrams show how the waterwheel and gearing convert the power of the water into the rotation of the millstones and how the miller could vary the quality of the meal these produced. There is also a section giving details of the dressing of the millstones, including a photograph of a surviving millstone dressing machine.

An annotated line diagram by Alan Howell (2004) shows the location of the milling machinery in the mill , followed by a glossary of the machines.

The guide ends with a poem written by a past miller, and there is a map of the mill and the surrounding grounds on the back cover.

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