Renewing the compost bins

After many years of use, the supporting corner posts of the compost bins were becoming unstable caused by rotting within the ground. It was therefore necessary to remove any remaining compost and demolish the old compost bins.
Fortunately the mill had been donated a number of 8ft long concrete posts that could be used for constructing the new compost bins. As the bins were to be only 5ft high, the same height as the original bins, it was necessary to create 3ft deep holes in which to insert the concrete posts. Once the first post had been inserted into the hole, it was checked for vertical alignment.

Removing the old compost and checking the first new post
When the position of the new hole is decided, usually where an old wooden post was removed, a post hole drill is used to create the new hole for a replacement concrete post. As the drill penetrates the ground, it is likely to encounter stones or occasionally tree roots. The loosened soil is then removed by a post hole digging spade until the hole is down to the required 3ft depth, ready for the replacement concrete post to be inserted.

Post hole drill - In at full depth - Removing the loose soil
After the hole has been excavated to the required depth and some concrete rubble dropped into the hole, the replacement concrete post can be installed. Two holes reached down to the water table and extra rubble was needed to prevent the heavy concrete post from sinking into the ground. The post must then be aligned vertically and at the required distance from adjacent posts. Soil removed when digging the hole is then replaced and rammed down to maintain the post in an upright position.

Moving an 8ft concrete post and installing the post into the prepared hole
After the concrete posts had been installed, new wooden boards were fixed into position to retain the compost. Those at the front of the bins are removable to enable the composted material to be removed for use around the garden area. Some of this will be sieved to provide material for potting up plants for sale on Open Days.
The removed compost was replaced into the bins with some torn-up wet cardboard as an additional source of organic material. Any waste garden material and organic material such as leaves and straw are shredded before being added to the bin. It may also be necessary to add water to the compost if it is dry and then cover to retain the moisture. As the width of the three compost bins are slightly different, each bin and the removable front boards have now been numbered to ensure that the correct boards are used with each bin.

Fixing the retaining boards to the new posts and refilling with removed compost and wet cardboard
Job done - two happy volunteers!