Spot the Millstone

As you wander around the grounds, see how many millstones you can spot!
Although our working stones are French Burrstones, we have many much older English ones made centuries ago from Derbyshire Millstone Grit.
You can find the Miller's Well in the garden in front of the Tea Room. In the middle is quite possibly our oldest millstone, circa early 17th century, used as a cover for the well by a previous miller's family.
This very worn millstone can be seen nearby. It was found buried in mud at the bottom of the pool, near the tea room.

These two English stones can be found in front of the Stable Gift Shop.

And here are the remains of four English old stones by the mill main door - you are literally ''walking on history''.

And there are some broken sections against the mill wall - with a miniature stone watermill in front.