The Tree Trail

Since 2002, the Friends of New Hall Mill have gladly contributed their expertise, enthusiasm , and hard work to creating the Tree Trail. Its objectives are to enhance the attractiveness of the Mill Meadow and to increase visitors' enjoyment of the trees planted there.
The trail begins just inside the meadow, near the meadow entrance gate by the Mill Garden, and proceeds anti-clockwise around the meadow. Further information about each tree may be found on the numbered information boards that are positioned in sequence around the Mill Meadow.
The following trees are labelled:
- Common Alder - Alnus Glutinosa
- Apple - Malus Domestica
- Hazel - Corylus Avellana
- English Oak - Quercus Robur
- The Jubilee Hedge
- Hornbeam - Carpinus Betulus
- Common Cherry - Prunus Avium
- Scots Pine - Pinus Sylvestris
- Beech - Fagus Sylvatica
- Princeton Elm - Ulmus Americana 'Princeton'
- Whitebeam - Sorbus Aria
- Ash - Fraxinus Excelcior
In addition to the trees in the tree trail, other specimen trees have been planted, many of which have been given to the Friends. Details may be found on the labels and further information is available in the Exhibition Room.
A double-sided laminated page featuring the above information on the front, and the plan of the mill grounds shown below on the reverse, is available on loan from the Information Desk adjacent to the Mill Entrance. The plan shows the location of the trees within the Tree Trail.