Varieties of Bread Wheat

Varieties of Bread Wheat

On this page you can see a selection of six wheat varieties we grew in our protective cereals cage. Each one shows a different variation in plant height, ear type, presence or absence of awns and colour of the mature grain.

The varieties we grew were:

  1. "Solstice". A short, widely grown British variety producing grain that is suitable for a bread-making flour.
  2. "Soissons". A short early maturing French awned variety from the 1970's, but prone to late frosts.
  3. An old Armenian variety that can grow up to five feet high.
  4. "Maris Widgeon". A moderately-tall heritage variety that was favoured for thatching and making corn 'dollies'.
  5. "Redfast". A tall British heritage variety with the ears and mature grain having a darker 'tanned' appearance, known as 'red'.
  6. "Bearded Red". A tall British heritage, similar to "Redfast" in colour but with awns.

Key to the table above:

  • Plant height = height of plant at maturity, either short or tall.
  • Ear type = compact ears are the usual type; 'lax' have the flower heads spaced along the ear.
  • Awns = presence or absence of awns on the ears, 'bearded' wheat having awns.
  • Colour = colour of the mature grain; 'white' is light brown, 'red' is a darker brown.
The ears of wheat for each variety

Below you can download a document providing more information about this project and the types of wheat we grew. Click the green arrow to download it.

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