Virtual 360° Tour of the Mill

Click the Play button on the image below, and you can wander around the Mill from the comfort of your sofa, going at your own pace, and looking all around you, in a way that you simply can't when you're looking at photographs or a video.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page for some tips on using the 360° Tour.
Please note, the current tour was photographed during a volunteers' Work Day in early March 2025. We intend to update this tour later in the year when the Mill is spruced up for our Open Days.
Tour Tips
- Click the black square in the corner of the image below to make the tour fill your whole screen. Click the escape key to return to the starting size.
- The orange arrows allow you to move to different locations around the mill and the grounds.
- You can also use the thumbnails at the bottom of the page to choose a new location.
- The orange stars are links to pages on this website which provide more information as you explore. They will open in a new tab, so it's easy to return to the tour where you left off.