Wheat (Triticum Aestivum)

Wheat was one of the earliest plants cultivated by man after it evolved from the wild wheat of the Fertile Crescent, an area around the Tigris/ Euphrates Rivers of south west Asia, about 8,500 years ago. Many wheat varieties are now grown over much of the world but mainly confined to temperate regions.
In Britain, the annual wheat production is over 15 million tonnes. Over half of this is used as animal feed for meat production. Most of the remainder is used for the production of flour for bread and cakes, or can be processed for shredded, rolled, flaked or other wheat products.
A newer use for wheat is for the production of alcohol. Wheat grains are pressure cooked to release the starch granules. The resulting liquid is fermented followed by distillation to recover the alcohol.
Wheat can be divided into 'hard' wheat and 'soft' wheat.
- Hard wheat, containing more of the gluten proteins gliadin and glutenin produces the 'strong' flour necessary for the dough to rise when bread making.
- Soft wheat can be used for baking cakes, pastries and biscuits and for the newer industry of alcohol production.